Indications of An Anklet.

Indications of An Anklet.

An anklet is just not a piece of jewellary,it is something beyond it.(Depend on the region).I discover the "chain" on the ankle means something other than decoration! If on the right ankle, It means there is a HOT woman here, and you may ONLY approach her if "She" say so...  Well now it appears to get more interesting! The Left anklet is a sign that the woman is taken but is available to others. If worn with letters such as "Q" and "Spade symbol" it means if she is a white woman, she will take a black man.
Anklet with Symbol Q

If she wears it over her stockings, it means she will take you "bareback" If under the stockings, only with a condom!
anklet, feetloover
Anklet with Heart

If the anklet contain heart symbol,it means the wife is committed to her husband but free to date other man and have relationship with mutual benefit.
anklet, feetloover
Anklet with symbol Key
When an anklet has a key charm,it means the husband is 'locked' and the wife hold the key to his happiness.He can't have orgasm without his wife permission. How confusing are these signals to those of you who think you understand this protocol?

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